Thursday 23 October 2014

Invisible CIties - RE: Interior Establishing Shot

With some fresh eyes and a bit of advice I darkened the beam in the foreground and gave it a bit of rim lighting. It looks much better on my eyes now.


  1. i really like how real this room feels, the lamp as a light source makes it feel like a space.

  2. Dude, this looks awesome, I think the style you have used it really great and I can see it being used if you were to actually make the animation

  3. Charlie this is adorable! The room feels really warm and cosy. The atmosphere is very homely and the style you've adopted makes the overall image seem quite quirky and playful. Keep up the awesome work! You're almost there! :D

  4. I agree with everyone the atmosphere here is wonderful, can't wait to see your low angle shot! :)
