Sunday 7 December 2014

What If Metropolis - Tower Two's Breakdown

I textured my second tower today, I haven't applied an ambient occlusion to it yet but I think I may need to, so it is as bright and vibrant as the first tower.

1. Textures being applied to the model gif.

2. The base diffuse and normal maps.

3. The bottom windows diffuse and normal maps.

4. The door diffuse and normal maps.

5. The door frame diffuse and normal maps.

6. The middle windows diffuse and normal maps.

7. The top windows diffuse and normal maps.

8. The door handle diffuse and normal maps.

9. Production art & model.

I think I'm going to apply an ambient occlusion to the materials and compare the effects, I feel as if its no where near as bright and vibrant as it needs to be.

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